- A personal loan can be used to consolidate your debt, catch up on bills or cover unexpected expenses. Typical uses of a Personal Loan would include paying for things like car repairs, home renovations, travel, or other life events.
- We require the following documents:
- 1. Two most recent months’ pay stubs
- 2. Last 90 days of banking
- 3. ID’s
- 4. Void Cheque / Pre-Authorized debit form
- 5. Utility bill with your current address
- A personal loan allows you to borrow funds without providing a type of collateral or security for the loan. Additionally, for personal loans there are no pre-payment penalties for paying the loan out early. A home equity loan requires you to secure your loan with a property, in which case you can borrow more with lower rates.
- We are very flexible at AAR Financial, and many different factors go into approving a loan, not just your credit score. Our approvals are unique and we welcome you to apply
- Pay off your personal loan anytime without any additional fees